2. I'm pretty sure I posted this video a really long time ago, but I am doing so again because it's still sooo good. This is a friend of ours (I'm pretty sure he's a friend of everyone's) who is superly amazingly talented and completely in love with Jesus. He also has an epic beard. I still can't get enough of his song: Why This Had To Be by Joe Zambon.
3. Um super cute list of 24 things we should be more grateful for. Definitely doesn't hurt to take a read and re-center our thoughts and priorities. Number 18 just gave me a mad Tim's craving. Why is the closest Tim's 3 hours away? Why??!! Maybe I should be thankful for that too... and refer back to number 1 on that list.
4. This article almost made me cry, and I don't think it was because of the crazy pregnancy hormones that are taking over my personality. This totally restored my hope in high school students. High five Unionville, Tenn.
5. This week I started my personal Harry Potter movie marathon. I'm going for one movie a week to make it last as long as possible. I'm even thinking of re-reading the books. I'm pretty sure I only remember everything that happened in the movies instead of the books and that saddens me. What kind of fan am I anyway? Don't judge me.
6. Tonight (Wednesday) I'm making chicken just like the chef taught us last night with broccoli and rice. We never have traditional meals like this so I'm pretty excited. Makes me think of dad's cooking back home! My house smells amazing with the spice rub I made. It's also a little smoky because I kind of over-seared them a little. Woops. It'll be fiiine.
7. Ok one more song. I have so many saved up to blog about but I didn't want to over-do it in one post. So two isn't bad at all. I warn you though, this song is really really hard to stop listening to. So your welcome and I'm sorry. I first heard it on an episode of How I Met Your Mother. Florence + The Machine, Shake It Out.
8. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. Phil. 4:13