

1. This week, I introduced Jamie to Zaboomafoo. She loves it... as do I. And then it got me thinking, that these Kratt brothers may have the coolest job in the world.

2. The last time we went grocery shopping, we bought WAY too many bananas. To begin with, we regularly buy enough for an average family of 6, but this time we pushed it a wee bit. So I found the recipe above on Pinterest, and I plan on whipping up a loaf this afternoon. Looks delicious.

3. Mini pizzas on english muffins are probably the best discovery of my week, thanks to my crafty hubby. So fluffy and amazing! You should seriously try them.
4. Is this not the coolest thing you've ever seen? No? Well... I think it's pretty cool. Why? Because you don't just have to stuff it with fluff! You could make a hacky sack! Which of course, as a mom to be, I'm already planning on making some down the road if I have a boys. Plus, it took me down memory lane thinking about high school and all the fun hacky sack times. Which mostly consisted of us girls watching our crazy soccer guy friends kick it around in a circle while we made up code names for all of them. I also seem to remember someone playing around on crutches and then taking the hacky sack pretty hard and wiping out... I'm assuming I didn't just make this up? Oh good times.

5. We're heading to Saskatoon tomorrow and I am so so excited. Most people take little trips to get away from the city and experience some peace and quiet... well now that we live in Beauval, it's the opposite. I am almost craving some hustle and bustle. There's a Chapters just down the road from where Mark's coaching clinic is taking place, and I plan on spending at least half of my Saturday there. With a decaf Starbucks or two of course.

6. Check this video out. I meant to blog it a long time ago, but I forgot. This is my friend Amy whom I met just over two years ago (I think), and she is incredibly talented. She wrote this song but there are a few more videos on her youtube channel that you should also take a listen to. She's just lovely! She's also a roofer which makes her even cooler.
7. This is probably the greatest cake I have ever seen. I want to make it so bad. Someone have a birthday soon please.

8. John 12:25 - "Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity."


  1. Cool Post Rebecca, have a great trip and maybe we can chat while your having that cup of tea in Starbucks this weekend.

  2. Anonymous10.1.13

    Hi Rebecca - your mom's neighbor here... First off congratulations on the little one coming. How exciting for you and Mark! Thanks for giving me a reason to call your mom "Granny". LOL I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blogs. You are one talented young lady and I scratch my head sometimes going..."is this really Bev's daughter - baking, knitting, all around crafty". I hope you don't mind me peeking into your life once in a while. Your parents must be so proud of you. That's my 2 cents. I hope next time you are in town I get a chance to come say hi and meet your little bundle of joy!

  3. Thank you both so much! I have been trying to figure out which neighbor you are... I think I have a pretty good idea! It's really encouraging to receive comments so I thank you bunches. We will for sure be in Ottawa in the summer at some point so you know where to find us to see the baby! Happy new year!
