

1. February ♥ Here's a little something to get you in the romantic mood! The sweetest little animated short film you ever did see. Compliments of Disney of course. Paperman. Enjoy!

2. I almost bought Nutella last week because it was on sale. I'm so glad I didn't because I probably would have eaten the whole container by spoonful by now. I did buy Cheez Whiz though... Cravings are driving me insane. Luckily I am craving some healthy items too... like broccoli. Oh I could eat broccoli every day. The only thing is that I really like broccoli with Cheez Whiz. So close.

3. Speaking of Cheez Whiz, I have a confession: I adore incredibly cheesy Bollywood movies. Thanks A. Netflix has a bunch of Bollywood movies though and it's honestly great. If you are interested at all in checking one out, Saathiya is my favourite one to date. Soooooooo good. You will cry. I really thought I would hate Bollywood movies, but I only had to see one movie to make me love them. You have been warned.

4. This video is a MUST watch. Two men are hooked up to some crazy machines that create a mimic of labour pains. It is hilarious. HILARIOUS. In order to put the English subtitles on, press the little "CC" button at the bottom of the video screen. Enjoy. You will.

5. Some music love for you: Birdy's cover of Skinny Love. Hauntingly beautiful. I kind of love her. You can watch some of her other music videos here.

6. I had my ultrasound on Tuesday morning, and it was amazing. We found out the gender of our baby! Stay tuned... you will find out too on Monday's post! It was so amazing to see our little one moving around (so much too!) and honestly it was the most incredible thing we have ever seen. I have never thought ultrasound pictures were cute, but umm... is that not the cutest ultrasound baby picture you ever did see???? I know, I know. It is.

7. One of the couple's that attend our church came over on the weekend to drop off two huge bags of baby clothes. Now that I know the gender, I sorted through everything and ended up getting SO much stuff. Like SO much. And, she even said she doesn't need them back! We are so thankful for their generosity. I can't even imagine how much money that just saved us. And the stuff is just so dang cute! I even cleaned out the dresser in the baby's room yesterday, washed everything and put them away according to size. I am starting to understand what this whole "motherly nesting" thing is all about. I can't stop pinning nursery pics.

8. Now that we know the gender, our list of baby names has somehow doubled. What the heck. It's so hard to pick a name! I know we have a lot of time before baby arrives... but I just want to name our baby so bad! Feel free to leave a comment with your suggestions.

9. Did you watch this week's new episode of How I Met Your Mother? The whole Robyn Sparkles #4 thing was pretty hilarious, but I hope the next episode is a lot better than that...

10. Farmer: hands down best Superbowl commercial of the year. According to me.

11. Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates. Psalm 127:3-5

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