

Welcome, October! Possibly my favourite month of all. The colours, the smell, the turkey, the apple crisp, the pumpkin spice lattes (FINALLY had my first of the year on the weekend and it was amaaaazing) and most of all, our wedding anniversary. At the end of the month we will see our fourth anniversary! Oh how the time does fly when you`re having fun! The only thing I am not looking forward to is the high likelihood that we will see snow up in the north this month. I will remain in denial for as long as possible.

But this post is not really about all that. It`s simply about a killer thrift find! Check out this teal coat hanger that I found this past weekend (and you can also spot the yellow cowl I crocheted last year. I probably should have written down the pattern, because I want more!). It was $2.99. So of course I couldn`t wait to get it up in our home and decorate it for the season! It looks awesome and I just love it. Along with a baby doll for $2.99 and a pair of winter boots for $3.99 (both for Thaddeus), I`d say it was a highly successful thrift shopping experience! I can`t wait to scour the shops again the next time I`m in the city. And, get another PSL.

Unrelated, but today I have my first prenatal appointment today since I`ve been back in town. I`m really looking forward to hearing baby girl`s heartbeat again, and hearing how things are going. I also have a big list of questions for the doctor and nurses concerning delivery day. I`m quite nervous about it really. I have an hour and a half drive in the dead of winter to get to the hospital. Juuust want to make sure I have all my bases covered to best avoid any kind of crazy road-side birth story. Because seriously. No. Just, no.

Anyway, another one of my favourite decor things is my random tea card banner. I bought this awesome set of tea cards on clearance at Indigo a few years ago, and finally found a crafty use for it. It also came with a bunch of great recipe cards which I have kept! I suppose it`s a little strange, but I love it all the same. It`s the little things that make a house a home!

For us, October also means jumping into gear to prepare to welcome our daughter into the world. We are working on clearing out the spare bedroom that has been our storage space (aka dump space) up until now. That will remain a spare bedroom and hold all our dressers. Our bedroom will become the family sleeping room (I hope to write a post about our sleeping decisions soon!). We will also likely install the infant car seat sooner than later, just to be safe.

In other news, you may notice I have added two new sections to my blog: What I'm Loving Right Now and The Westman Family Book Shop. Or maybe you didn't notice, so there ya go! Feel free to browse around and remember to ask any questions that you may have in the comments below or through our Contact Us page. They will be frequently updated, so be sure to check back often!

What does October mean for you? Do you do anything special this month to celebrate the autumn season? I hope you all had a wonderful start to your week, and that you will enjoy this first day of October. As always, thank you for stopping by.

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