

Today is an exciting week. First of all, can you believe we are already at the halfway point? Because I can't! Where has the time gone? Baby is getting really big now (banana?!) and it's just mind blowing. Our creator is astonishing and I am in awe of Him. Also, we have our ultrasound tomorrow morning. I couldn't be more excited!! We'll finally get to see our little one moving around, hear the heartbeat, and hopefully find out the sex. That's right! We're finding out. I know everyone has their own opinions on this matter, and everyone knows someone who was told it was going to be a girl and it came out a boy, but that's what we've decided as a couple and you can decide whatever you want when you are preggers. Just had to throw that in there. But yes, we know there is a slight chance they could be wrong, but we would be thrilled anyhow! And that's also why we're going to keep it a secret. So keep your guesses coming!

Baby has been moving a lot this past week! On Saturday night I felt baby move with my hand for the first time, and Mark thinks he felt movement too! He was expecting a swift kick, but they really feel more like tiny bubbles or waves at this point. So hopefully as the weeks progress he'll be able to feel baby more and more. 
Is it just me, or does it look like my tummy is getting smaller in these photos? It's really not though.

In other news, Beauval hosted their first ever basketball tournament this weekend for the Sr. boys. It was so much fun. Mark was at the school until just after midnight on Friday and all day Saturday and I went to watch a game each day. Mark had a blast and let me tell you, he is one proud coach! The boys ended up winning in the finals by 2 points in the last few seconds of the game. The crowd (including me) was going wild, and you should have seen the smiles on the faces of the players. Priceless.

Anyway, back to another week!
This week I'm trying to meditate on the truth that each day is a gift like no other and we will never get the same day again. It is not just another day but a miracle, an opportunity.



  1. You look so tiny, baby Westman is hogging all your food! I love these posts and look forward to them every week. Also, I know you said you weren't going to reveal the baby's gender but if you could maybe give me a clue... or clues... or just tell me that'd be nice. I want to know so bad!!

  2. Yeah maybe that's it!! As for telling you the baby's gender... well you know I love you, but nope! My mom even tried to get to me already and I had to tell her no too! It'll be our little secret!
