

1. Last week I had this craving for Nutella... as you know from this post. The hot chocolate turned out awesome, so I decided to keep going and tried making Nutella brownies two days later. They were gross. I even added a bunch of mini eggs and now I wish I would have just kept the mini eggs by themselves and not wasted them on nasty brownies. So that is one recipe I am not going to share! I got it off Pinterest, and wow. So disappointing.

2. Hopefully unrelated to these brownies, I had a stomach bug this weekend. Mark and I were on a little vacation in Edmonton, and well, let's just say I left quite an impression with the hotel staff after breakfast our first morning. Woops! Luckily I'm quite obviously pregnant now so they all had some extra compassion for me! Not a great start to the weekend, but we still managed to have a fun time!

3. I really wish I knew how to sew. Mainly because I want this apron. Well and I want to make a million different things, but mostly the apron.

4. I am starting to go baby crazy! I can't wait to start getting some furniture and supplies for the baby room! It's all I'm thinking about lately. I started making some DIY nursery decorations to make myself feel better. But really, I think I'm just trying not to freak out. We have a bunch of baby clothes, but nothing else really. And it feels like this baby is coming so fast! I'm super excited about that, but I just want to make sure we have everything ready for when that day comes. Mark is a lot more less-stressed out than I am of course, which is good. But seeing as he's not home until tomorrow... I'm going a little insane.

5. If you have little ones at home, this playlist is the bomb. Wow I haven't said that since elementary school. But seriously, Jamie loves it. And so do I.

6. Came across this awesome MLK tribute song  on Vimeo yesterday, and it's definitely worth a look/listen. Enjoy!

7. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6

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