

1. We bought a minivan. Heck yes. It's a 2006 Honda Odyssey and runs like a gem. It really feels great to be getting the most important things together before baby arrives! We'll always have fond memories of our little Cav, however. The miles and memories that relentless little car gave us will always be remembered!

2. Speaking of getting important things done... we got the car seat! We opted to go for the #1 rated car seat, the Chicco KeyFit. We're so thankful we did! Our baby will have tons of hand-me-down clothes, but the car seat is something we wanted to make sure was top of the line for safety. And a shout out to Nana & Papa Westman for surprising us with this purchase! We love you!

3. Have you ever seen the show Parenthood? It's probably one of my favourite shows ever. And not just because I'm about to become a parent. It's hilarious, and makes me cry like every second episode. A perfect combination in my books. I just finished watching all 4 seasons... good times.

4. Two weeks ago I had a Dr.'s appointment in Saskatoon with a new doctor, and it was awesome. She's going to be our delivery doc! We debated between choosing an OBGYN or a family doctor, but decided to go with a family doctor mostly because there's a 95% chance she will deliver our baby, whereas there's like a 5% chance the OBGYN that you meet with will actually deliver the baby (I'll still be delivering in the hospital where there are lots of OBGYN's around if need be!). We just felt we would be a lot more comfortable with someone we are seeing on a regular basis. We'll drive down to Saskatoon for appointments once at the end of April, twice in May, and every week in June. I'll probably move in with Mark's Aunt & Uncle in Saskatoon by my 38 week mark, and Mark will take off the last week of school to move with me. Plans are slowly starting to come together now, although only God knows how things will unravel!

5. Some friends of ours just dropped off 2 huge Rubbermaid containers of boy clothes yesterday afternoon. We sorted through them all last night, and wow. We are going to have one well-dressed little boy! We literally have enough clothes to make it to 24 months. It's crazy. We are so thankful!!!!

6. And now for some fun stuff. You should probably get this new desktop and/or phone background for April. It's lovely as always.

7. This is maybe a little over done, but it makes me laugh every single time. I just watched it like 3 times in a row. Still laughing. Goats Screaming Like People Take Over the Internet.

8. This video is pretty awesome. It sheds some light onto why we should think about the the food we put in our bodies. And it's funny.

9. I came across this list of 6 Totally Inappropriate Songs We Sang As Children, and wow I was a little appalled. I definitely used to sing all of these songs. Gross.

10. This lovely little article is so beautiful. I hope you enjoy.

11. PS - I'm going to be 30 weeks on Monday! Whaaat!!! That means like 10 weeks to go until my due date. However, baby is considered full term at 37 weeks... so you never know what can happen! Majority of first-time moms go late though. Who knows. I just can't get over how fast the weeks are flying by. I'm also getting huge. Photo on Monday, I promise!

12. God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that He should make Jesus, through His suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation. (Hebrews 2:10)

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