

We have been back home in Beauval from a long and lovely vacation in Ottawa since the very end of August. Although our trip to Ottawa was long anticipated and very much needed, it is nice to be home. There truly is no place like it. 

Lately, we have been trying to take full advantage of our beautiful yet short autumn season. Winter will be upon us in full force sooner than we know it - and just so you have an idea of how long our northern winters are, we actually had a snowfall in June this past year. Yes, June. Disgusting, I know.

So we have been outside playing in the dirt and grass with lots of rocks and fallen leaves and dandelions. Thaddeus, at 15 months, loves getting dirty, exploring the earth with his hands and occasionally still, his mouth. We love to listen to the trees blowing in the wind, following the leaves as they float to the ground, and watch the magpies and ravens as they soar in the sky, land on a branch, or nibble at things in our yard. 

Our little boy is growing so fast, and soaking in everything like a sponge. Every day he is learning so much, and I am constantly amazed by him. He loves to talk, read, yell, run, dance, cuddle, eat and laugh. He has a fabulous sense of humor, just like his dad. I am so blessed to be his mother! I noticed yesterday that his molars may be coming in, so I'm off to grab some extra Advil today just in case! I've heard terrible things about these molars so I'm praying that he won't have too horrible of an experience. But, if he does, then at least they're coming in before baby arrives!

Mark has been settling well into his third year of teaching. He is teaching middle-years math, assistant coaching football, and head coaching the Sr. boys basketball team. Of course, much like parenting, teaching comes with its dose of daily challenges, but he loves his job and is growing as a teacher every day. Thaddeus is overjoyed when Mark comes home for lunch and at the end of the day. We really look forward to our weekends with dada at home! It's amazing to see the attachment that Thaddeus has developed with Mark. This summer we recently transitioned to having Mark put him down to bed, and at first he was so upset, but now he reaches out for him and settles in for a nice cuddle. They love to laugh and play together, have snuggles while reading books, and of course, dance dance dance. They have such a special bond and it makes this mama so happy!

Things have been going really great for me as well. I am so happy to be home again, and loving my life as a mom. As of Sunday, I will be 28 weeks pregnant and entering my third trimester. Other than a few normal annoying pregnancy symptoms, I have been feeling wonderful. Our little girl is constantly moving ( probably stepdancing!) and I can't wait to hold her in my arms for the first time.

My milk dried up as soon as Thaddeus turned 14 months (I was about 23 weeks) and so, naturally, he hasn't nursed since. He doesn't even seem to mind! And although I would have liked to nurse him longer, I am also glad to have a little break before baby girl comes along. 

We have been starting to prepare ourselves for her arrival now, and have made plans with good friends to take care of Thaddeus the day she arrives. We've also decided that we will all stay sleeping in the same room. Right now Thaddeus is in a toddler floor bed right beside ours (our mattress is just on the box spring on the floor) and spends the majority of the night in our bed. Baby girl will start off in the newborn napper Pack N' Play just like Thaddeus did, right beside me. We plan on moving all our dressers and the rocking chair into the spare bedroom and our room will be the sleeping room! So we will try that out, and hopefully everyone will sleep well (ha!).

Well, this is what's new with us right now. We are so thankful for where we are, and look forward to all that is to come this year! 

Friends, I wish you a happy weekend!

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