

1. Do these cupcakes look amazing, or what? I wanted to post this so that I won't forget to make them in the summer when strawberries are back in season. I suppose I could make them with thawed out frozen strawberries though... hmm. Maybe I will!

2. I love Value Village. While in Saskatoon this past weekend I picked up an electric hand mixer and a sweet glass jar for storing baking flour. Score. I also always take a look at the games section because you just never know what you may find there. Unfortunately this time around, nothing much. But I did buy some Yahtzee score cards from Walmart for like 6 bucks. Score... literally.
3. I also love Indigo (much more than Value Village). I spent so much time browsing on the weekend (while sipping 2 lattes a day... no lie). I got a sweet little pregnancy journal, my favorite lip chap EVER, and a recipe card box. OH! And most importantly, the Hobbit audio-book. Sooo excited to listen. I used to have the cassette tapes as a child, and I would listen to them to fall asleep. These CD's are the same edition so I am super stoked. 

4. 10 Best Netflix Picks for a Snowy Day. Excellent list. And if you haven't watched the Sherlock series yet (mom & dad... yes I bolded and italicized you.) you really really should. Right now. I believe it's first on this list for a reason... it's the BEST. (Hugo is also a super cute movie that you should also watch!).

5. This is simply amazing. Some kids made a live-action, shot for shot "Toy Story" remake. Like, the entire movie. I've only watched the first few minutes and a few other clips here and there, but like wow. I'm impressed. Made me think back to when my brother and I used to make home movies... and then immediately felt lame because this is just so much cooler than anything we ever did.

6. It's getting harder to touch my toes now. My tummy gets in the way.

7. Stay tuned for preggo pics next week! Mark and I are going to start snapping a photo each week. Yahoo!

8. Loving this song and video. Lifehouse ft. Natasha Bedingfield - Between the Raindrops. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

9. Seriously? These are amazing. Gotta try making them. I didn't even know they still sold pop rocks. Funnest candy ever. And my spell checker didn't even red-underline the word funnest. Awesome.

10. Here's yet another reason why I don't have Facebook. It's not that I don't want to keep in touch with friends... it's that it's scary. Although I do have everything else you could probably think of... whatevs. Interesting article though!
11. Hahaha. Subway has a lot of nerve. Just thought this was great. Had to share.

12. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Eph. 4:32

13. ATTENTION ALL MOM TO BE'S: Ok. This just in: funniest thing I've read in a long time. Enjoy. A letter to my pregnant childless self.

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